The eyebrows, nose, mouth, chin, and ears are very well modeled, but without color accents. The golden face of this mask shows no signs of age, gender, or emotions. Mummy masks were used to protect and idealize the facial features of the deceased. The goddesses may be identified as Isis and Nephthys, each with a sun-disk on her head and a feather-fan in one hand. A golden collar with five rows of rosettes and geometric patterns adorns the mask, suspended from which two kneeling goddesses flank the pectoral with an ibis.
At the right and left frontal ends of the wig are recumbent jackals. Above the forehead is a frieze of uraeus serpents with sun-disks on their heads. The scarab has gilded wings which stretch down to the sides of the wig. The eye inlays are made from glass, as well as the blue scarab on the top of the head and the ibis inside of a pectoral on the chest. The decoration was applied in layers, with the gilding at the end. This mask has been molded over a core, with layers of mud and linen. Mummy masks of the Hellenistic and Roman periods often had gilded faces that reflected the association of the deceased with the gods.